Reise praxis

  • Reise praxis
  • Reise praxis
  • Reise praxis

Reise praxis

This work is an installation piece composed of sculptures made of ceramic, which she made for the first time while studying in Munich, and car window scenery that she shot while on a trip during her stay in Munich. This is the first large-scale move and trip in several years after the Corona Disaster. On weekends and other short trips, I always carried a small suitcase (see left) in which I installed my ceramic works. As a study-abroad student but a fleeting traveler, there were always restrictions attached to what I could make there and what I could bring back from my trip. In order to overcome these limitations in a positive way, I took photographs of the scenery and motifs I saw on my travels and made small ceramic pieces after returning to Munich. In my past works (such as large installations), safety considerations did not allow for much that was unexpected. I think I was a bit frustrated by this reality. In ceramics, however, unexpected things often happen, depending on the glaze and other factors. I thought that the great appeal of ceramics is that you can enjoy the coincidence of such things. For me, this trip was an extremely important and relaxing practice, both in terms of daily travel as I dive into new landscapes and in terms of creating ceramics, an unknown material with which to grapple.