Day Tripper at Shibuya

  • Day Tripper at Shibuya
  • Day Tripper at Shibuya
  • Day Tripper at Shibuya
  • Day Tripper at Shibuya

Day Tripper at Shibuya





This work is a minimal version of my graduation work “Day Tripper”. Audiences can sit in this bus chair and read a story about this artwork (it’s like a message from someone). The appearance of the audience sitting in their seats and operating their smartphones deja vu the others we usually see when traveling by train.

There are two perspectives in the Day Tripper series (2020-).  The viewer who actually sits in the seat and watches the video, and the viewer who watches the person looking out the window from a little distance. By reading the QR code placed near the work, the viewer can read a text like a poem (a message from someone) related to the work, and the viewer often sits on the seat and operates the smartphone. This scene reminds us of others we often see when we are traveling by train, as if we are having a déjà vu.